St. Patrick's Day T Shirt Special!

Rusty Dog Quality

We like to wear our own products and we can guarantee you they are comfortable, functional, and durable. We spent nearly a year designing products, testing samples, and researching manufacturers so we can offer you high quality products.

Please let us know if we do not meet this standard.

Meet Our Rusty Dogs

Meet our Rusty Dog Apparel inspiration, Scout and Rusty. They are Hungarian Vizslas. These dogs are very loyal, energetic, smart, and loving. Vizslas are excellent hunting dogs who love to run and play.

  • Two brown dogs, Hungarian Vizslas, on a porch. Boy with red shirt and blue backpack hugging the first dog.
  • Small brown puppy with tuxedo shirt and black bow tie.
  • Hungarian Vizsla dog sitting in grass and looking up at a little boy. The boy is making eye contact with the dog and wearing a white dress shirt with blue dress pants.
  • Two brown Hungarian Vizslas dogs sitting on a couch with a young boy.